CSE 2023


In search of a 15-day huis-clos, a filmmaker finds himself captive on a trawler on the high seas, where his distress intertwines with the fate of what he is filming. A sensory experience between expectation and panic, this first short film has become the expiatory film of a traumatized filmmaker.
CSE 2023

Les terrains vagues

Les Terrains Vagues offers a window onto a time-stretched space, from which emanate the voices of five individuals. Revolving around their internal dialogues, the film takes the form of a broad conversation about the models and preconceived ideas that impact the way they experience their sexuality.
CSE 2023


Kathy Tran and Agnès Gaudreau work as auto mechanics at Bâtiment 7, a collective-run space that facilitates the integration of minorities. We get to know them through this inspiring place where they’re truly able to be themselves.
CSE 2023


For the past three years, a young Mexican asylum seeker has been forced to put his academic career and his dream of becoming a police officer on hold due to his immigration status.