CSE 2023


In the heart of the Sudeten Forest in the Czech Republic, the remains of a troubled past are still visible. While walking through these ruins, a young woman wonders about this past and our duty to remember.
CSE 2023

The Way I Welcome You

Detained with her family while seeking asylum in Scotland, Khabat now shares with her sister the imprint of those memories in her daily life and they explore how their memories have been transformed with the passage of time. These recollections are attached to the places she inhabited, revealing her transformation through resonances of her memories in the present.
CSE 2023

Flying Fish

For centuries, flying fish have been understood as symbols of freedom and achievement. They are unique animals that swim and fly, reflecting the possibility of hope. Their transit has been understood as an observational journey through nature, but the impact of human beings and technology is increasing, transforming the environment.