Dear Jackie unfolds as an intimate correspondence with Jackie Robinson, a baseball player who became a prominent civil rights activist in the United States, contrasting the milestones of his time in Montreal with the actual experience of the black community revealed in powerful moments of truth.
The director goes in search of fragments of memory of the man many call the "guerrilla priest". Through these discoveries and the testimonies of those who perpetuate his memory, we learn more about Camilo Torres, a pioneer of liberation theology in Latin America.
Eight residents and volunteers are working to create their own habitat, to move towards autonomy, to control their food or simply to live together in a space where different futures are possible.
Through the autobiographical essay of sociologist and philosopher Didier Eribon, performed by Adèle Haenel, "Retour à Reims" (Fragments) tells an intimate and political story of the French working class from the early 1950s to the present day.
Millions of people throughout the world find work for hire online. The working conditions are often dangerous and unfair. "The Gig Is Up" makes us realize that the magic of technology that we are being sold may be an illusion.
À Kara-Kara, quartier marginalisé de Zinder au Niger, règne une culture de la violence entre gangs. Certains jeunes tentent de s’en sortir, fonder une famille parfois et s’offrir un avenir autre que celui de la prison. Aicha Macky, originaire de Zinder, filme au plus près leur quotidien.
Dear Jackie unfolds as an intimate correspondence with Jackie Robinson, a baseball player who became a prominent civil rights activist in the United States, contrasting the milestones of his time in Montreal with the actual experience of the black community revealed in powerful moments of truth.