Bye Bye Tiberias

Hiam Abbass left her Palestinian village to pursue her dream of becoming an actress in Europe, leaving behind her mother, grandmother, and seven sisters. Thirty years later, her daughter Lina, a filmmaker, returns with her to trace the lost places and scattered memories of four generations of Palestinian women.

Vibrations from Gaza

Vibrations from Gaza delves into the lives of deaf children in Gaza, who witness the violence of Israeli military operations. Amani, Musa, Israa and others share their poignant memories of bombings, drones and collapsing buildings. The film also questions the origin of their deafness: natural or caused by Israeli sonic weapons.

Boat People

As a child in Vietnam, Thao’s mother often rescued ants from bowls of sugar water. Years later they would return the favour. Boat People is an animated documentary that uses a striking metaphor to trace one family’s flight across the turbulent waters of history.