Boat People

As a child in Vietnam, Thao’s mother often rescued ants from bowls of sugar water. Years later they would return the favour. Boat People is an animated documentary that uses a striking metaphor to trace one family’s flight across the turbulent waters of history.
CSE 2023


Every year, over 400 children arrive alone at the Canadian border to claim refugee status. Fearing for their lives, Afshin, Alain and Patricia left their country, without their parents, when they were just children, in the hope of a better life in Canada.
CSE 2023

Alambic : Terre ferme

Terre ferme is a poetic and sonorous travelogue, a diary that reveals the thoughts of an immigrant woman, back in her country of origin. This film refers to the personal experience of discovering different territories and the feeling of being both elsewhere and at home.
CSE 2023

The Way I Welcome You

Detained with her family while seeking asylum in Scotland, Khabat now shares with her sister the imprint of those memories in her daily life and they explore how their memories have been transformed with the passage of time. These recollections are attached to the places she inhabited, revealing her transformation through resonances of her memories in the present.
CSE 2023


For the past three years, a young Mexican asylum seeker has been forced to put his academic career and his dream of becoming a police officer on hold due to his immigration status.