This animated documentary is based on the true story of Afghan refugee Amin Nawabi. Grappling with a painful secret, kept hidden for 20 years, that now threatens to derail the life he has built for himself and his future husband.
This animated documentary is based on the true story of Afghan refugee Amin Nawabi. Grappling with a painful secret, kept hidden for 20 years, that now threatens to derail the life he has built for himself and his future husband.
RED SQUARE ON A BLACK BOARD traces the day-by-day anatomy of the student resistance and its main actors to reveal a militant movement of committed and inspired youth.
In Port-au-Prince, a humanitarian organization's SUV is diverted from its usual use: its Haitian passengers now use it to talk about neo-colonialism and to denounce the promises made by the international community that have not been kept, while the people cry out their anger.