Marie-Dominique Michaud

Photo du réalisateur

Passionate about content and creation, Marie-Dominique has over 15 years of experience in managing multidisciplinary teams in new media, television, and film, primarily as a producer. Notably, she has worked on innovative projects such as Les Enfants de La Bolduc (multiple award-winning in Quebec and internationally), In the Mouth, and in new media, Toi & Moi series (3 seasons broadcasted on Radio Canada) in television, and fiction feature films Le Torrent by Simon Lavoie and Gurov & Anna by Rafaël Ouellet, as well as the documentary La Terre vue du cœur by Iolande Cadrin Rossignol, for which she co-wrote the script. With L’Océan vu du cœur, she marks her first co-direction.