People of the sea

During the short lobster season, fishermen and plant workers are the economic mainstays of the Magdalen Islands. In a market dominated by the United States, the fragility of the fishery and the future of seafaring and island culture are obvious. 


On the Magdalen Islands, during the short lobster season, fishermen and plant workers ensure the economic prosperity of an entire people. In the reality of a global market driven by the United States, the fragility of the fishing industry is palpable, as is the future of seafaring and island culture.

Theme(s): , Culture, Economy, Work


Director | , Vincent L'hérault
Year | , 2023
Country | , Québec
Duration | 15 minutes
Original language | , French
Subtitles | , English
Image | Jean-Philippe Vachon, Julie Pelletier
Sound mixing | Martin Lemay
Editing | Andréane Cyr



Vincent L'hérault


Vincent L’Herault is Ph.D. biologist and director at ArctiConnexion, a non-profit organization. For 14 years, he worked in Nunavut with 10 Inuit communities and several hundreds of hunters and fishermen to promote traditions, local economy, and leadership. Throughout his work, Vincent uses video production and achieved many small projects. He has several documentary projects ongoing. Committed father, mentor, artist and scientist, he was granted several provincial and national prizes.



22 July 2024 at 20h45

Parc des Faubourgs

This film is included in screening Short film competition – Programme #1