Canadian Premiere

La ferme des Bertrand

50 years on a farm… Haute Savoie, 1972: the Bertrand farm, a dairy farm with around a hundred animals run by three single brothers, is filmed for the first time. Now, 25 years later, the director-neighbor takes up the camera again to accompany Hélène, who in turn is about to hand over the reins. 


Through the words and actions of three generations who have worked on a family farm, the film reveals poignant life stories where work and heritage play a central role: an intimate, social, and economic portrayal of our rural world.

Theme(s): , Agriculture, Environnement, Portrait, Rurality, Sociology


Director | , Gilles Perret
Year | , 2023
Country | , France
Duration | 88 minutes
Original language | , French
Image | Gilles Perret
Music | Vincent Boniface
Editing | Eymeric Jorat, Stéphane Perriot
Production | Denis Carot



Gilles Perret


Gilles Perret has directed numerous documentaries, all deeply rooted in his homeland, the Alps. By focusing on his valley neighbors, he addresses the realities of politics, economy, and society, using the local as a lens to narrate the global. This unique perspective has contributed to the success of his recent films like Ma mondialisation, Walter, retour en résistance, De mémoires d’ouvriers, and Les Jours heureux. He co-directed J'veux du soleil (2019) with François Ruffin, a journey across France during the Yellow Vest movement, and Debout les femmes! (2020), a parliamentary road movie meeting women caring for our children, sick, and elderly.


FIPADOC - Festival International Documentaire • Les Écrans du Doc • Festival du cinéma social et ouvrier



18 July 2024 at 21h00

Parc Molson 

After the screening will follow a discussion with Frédéric Chollet, owner of a dairy farm of about 30 cows since 2003, certified organic since 2019, also involved in the Conseil régional des Producteurs de lait Outaouais-Laurentides and the local union of Argenteuil of the UPA.