Pascal Gélinas

Photo du réalisateur

Pascal shot his first film in 1966. Toute la vérité sur la vie tumultueuse de Franz Schubert, a short fiction film, won the Special Jury Prize at Radio-Canada's Images en tête competition, and represented Canada at the International Amateur Film Festival in Madrid. From 1984 to 2009, Pascal was a producer on Radio-Canada's Science-Réalité and Découverte programs. He previously directed Montréal-Blues (1973), co-directed with Pierre Harel Taire des hommes (1968), and La turlute des années dures (1983) with Richard Boutet. This film won the Prix de la critique in Quebec, as well as the Sesterce d'argent and Prix Oecuménique at the Festival international du Cinéma in Nyon, Switzerland. In 2006, Pascal shot and directed Le porteur d'eau, which won awards in Quebec, France and Tunisia. In 2009, he directed a film about his father, Gratien Gélinas, un géant aux pieds d'argile, which won the Prix Gémeaux for best documentary screenplay. In 2013, he directed Huguette Oligny, le goût de vivre, which won the Prix Gémeaux for best biography. Then, in 2016, he shot Un pont entre deux mondes, a film that won some 15 awards in America, Europe and Asia.